Manifesting vs Knowing/Being

Manifesting vs Knowing/Being

Manifestation has become a buzzword lately—and for good reason. People are realizing that they can turn their deepest desires into reality simply by believing in them. For a long time, I thought I had been manifesting the trajectory my life has taken without even knowing it. But this summer in Portugal, I met someone who taught me that I wasn't manifesting at all. Instead, I was knowing. I was being.

When I listen to people talk about manifesting, they often speak in future terms—about things that will happen.

"I will be happy."
"I will get that promotion to manager."
"Things will work out."

But when you know something or are something that is yet to happen, you use the present tense instead.

"I am happy. I have happiness."

Happiness is no longer a debate in your mind—you are happy. So embrace that happiness right now.

"I am a manager."

You possess the skills, acumen, dedication, and compassion needed to be a manager, even if your title hasn't caught up yet. Be the leader that you are, today.

"Things are working out."

Whatever you desire, if truly genuine and good, is already unfolding. Trust in that reality. 

This slight shift in words represents a massive change in belief. It redirects all the energy you put out into the world into the present, not the future. There is no past; there is no future; there is only the present. When you speak, think, and aspire, do so in the present tense.

Our words and thoughts are powerful tools that shape our reality. By framing our desires as current truths, we align our actions and mindset with that reality. It's not about hoping for happiness or success someday—it's about living it now.

How can you start knowing and being? Begin by affirming what you want as if it already exists. Speak it, feel it, embody it. When you shift from manifesting to knowing, you remove doubt and hesitation. You step into your true self.

You already are everything you want to be. You already have everything you need. Try knowing and being instead of manifesting, and observe the changes that unfold in your mind, body, soul, and life.